At Liquinex, we are proud to be recognised globally for our innovative water treatment technology.
Liquinex was awarded first place in the Innovative Research and Development (International Institutions) category of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Water Award in Dubai on 29th Jan 2020. A total of 96 applicants from over 30 countries were received for the 3 award categories. The ceremony was reported by the local Gulf News media in the link below.
The prestigious award supports R&D of new and innovative technologies that produce, desalinate and purify water to support the global position of the UAE in developing solutions for challenges that are faced by poverty- and disaster-stricken communities worldwide.
Check out our featured article in the Asian Water News in the link below.
Awarded a gold medal in Asia Invent 2020 in Singapore in April.
Featured in multiple publications and media coverage across the region.

PRESS RELEASE - 22 March 2022
World Water Day
Liquinex Press Release_22March2022
Today is the World Water Day to raise awareness about the need for clean and safe drinking water around the world, particularly in developing countries. With a rapidly growing population, urbanization and economic development, the supply of drinking water in urban areas has become unsustainable. The demand for the most vital, clean water, is constantly increasing in both developed and developing countries. In several cases there is access to water, but the water infrastructure is old, poorly maintained or not possible to develop at the rate at which cities are growing. The water is often contaminated and dangerous to drink. The problem is often solved with heavy cans of water for daily use that can be drunk at least after boiling or by buying drinking water in plastic bottles with pollution as a result.
To help combat this issue, Liquinex today launches the WaterWall. An innovative water purification system for homes and small businesses that turns unsafe water into high quality, clean tap water. The Waterwall is an extension of Liquinex’s award-winning Suitcase-size humanitarian water purification system and the name WaterWall is inspired by Tesla's Powerwall. Indonesia (Jakarta) will be the first Asian market to adopt this innovative technology.
Liquinex's WaterWall is connected to the public water system in the user's house to then purify and distribute clean and safe water to all water taps in the household.
PRESS RELEASE - 29 Mar 2022 : Clean, safe water from every tap (
YUMPU HOTSEAT ARTICLE - Sep/Oct 2022 : Liquinex's Solutions Pack a Punch (
PRESS RELEASE - 15 Feb 2023 : LiqTech Enters Distribution Agreement with Liquinex in Singapore - LiqTech
WATER CHAMPION : Make Every Drop Count (
ANNOUNCEMENT - 16 Jun 2023 : Liquinex partners with Kay Holdings Sdn Bhd in Kualar Lumpur to launch LIQUINEX products and solutions in Malaysia.
ANNOUNCEMENT - 23 Jun 2023 : Liquinex partners with ChosenOne Land Development Corporation in the Philippines to launch LIQUINEX products and solutions in the Philippines.
PureFize® NEWSLETTER - July 2023 : Liquinex WaterWall out in the field (
Re-imagining water-scarcity solutions
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