Product Catalog
We have summarized the basic information on the products shown on this page. For products with no price tag, please contact us for more information by clicking the button at the bottom of the product, and we will get back to you on the price.
Our Technology
All of our products uses Nano Ceramic Membrane. By using ceramic materials, the lifespan of our membrane is longer and more durable.
The process flow for all of our system we design it in a such that it will be able to withstand the worst water quality without clogging the membrane (membrane fouling) and at the same time able to produce high flux rate.
Lastly, our system can process any water source regardless of its quality and turn it into clean water free from bacteria, parasite and virus.
Discover our product concept:

Mini/Standard Compact Water Purification System
Our Compact Water Purification System (CWPS) is a lightweight, portable water treatment unit. It is designed to be easily deployed for emergency response and used in remote locations. The system uses ultrafiltration silicon carbide ceramic membrane technology capable of filtering sub-micron-size particles, including bacteria and viruses.
Mini Compact Water Purification System:
52 x 40 x 22 cm
Flow Rate
up to 150 litres/hour
15 kg
Standard Compact Water Purification System:
63 x 50 x 30cm
Flow Rate
up to 500 litres/hour
30 kg
a) Silicon Carbide Ceramic UF Membrane in PVC Housing
b) 12V DC Feed Pump
c) 12V DC Filtration/Backwash Pump
d) Heavy Duty Portable Case
e) UV sterilizer
f) Internal Pipes, Valves and Fittings
g) Controller Box and Connections
h*) Solar Panel (Optional)

Brackish Water Purification System
Our Compact Brackish Water Suitcase RO System can handle a range of raw water with total dissolved solids (TDS) up to 2000 mg/l for recovery of up to 70%, meeting drinking water standard with TDS < 200mg/l. It comes with a pre-filter to remove suspended solids and extend the lifespan of the RO membrane.
Brackish Water Purification System:
53 x 43 x 22cm
Flow Rate
up to 150 liters/hour
12 kg
a) 2 x 3012 Type RO Membrane
b) 1 x Guard Filter
c) RO Pump
d) Pressure Gauge
e) Flowmeter
f) Powered by 12V
g) Heavy Duty Portable Case
h*) Solar Panel (Optional)

Compact Water Purification System - Seawater Reverse Osmosis
Our Compact Seawater Suitcase RO System can handle seawater with high energy efficiency while (achieving drinking water standards of <200mg/L TDS. It comes with a pre-filter to remove suspended solids and extend the lifespan of the RO membrane.
Seawater Purification System:
78 x 52 x 40 cm
Flow Rate
up to 750 litres per day
27.7 kg
a) Reverse Osmosis system with high energy efficiency.
b) Power Rating: 110W
c) Salt Rejection: 99.5%
d) Powered by 12V or 24V DC Power Supply
e*) Solar Panel (Optional)

Forward Osmosis Compact-Kase Featuring Aquaporin Inside® HFFO2 Membrane (FOFT)
Forward Osmosis
Forward Osmosis System:
51 x 38.5 x 22.5 cm
Flow Rate
up to 1300 litres per day
12 kg
a) Heavyduty pelican case
b) Rotameter (19-100PLH or equivalent)
c) Full SS304 pressue gauge
d) Pump variable speed controller
e) Push-fit valves & fittings
f) 2 Nos diahragm pumps Flojet-Compact LC
series 3.8 LPM
g) 4Nos flowmeters - 0-4 LPM
h) 2Nos pressure gauge - 0-10 bar
i) Maximum recommended feed TDS:
(for a 1M standard NaCI draw solution)
j) Up to 95% depending on feed stream input
TDS & fouling propensity/1M
standard NaCI draw solution
k) Feed side: 1-4 bar, 50-60 LPH
l) Draw side: 22-25 LPH
m) Manual peristaltic feed & draw pump
n) Feed & draw: Peristaltic pump
(0.27 - 1740mL/min @ 2.1 bar)
o) 1 x Aquaporin Inside® HFFO2 module (2.3m²)
single pass (sold separately)
* Remarks: Solar Panel (Optional)
Want to find out more about our suitcases?
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Ceramic Membrane Filtration Skid
Ceramic Membrane Filtration System is used in industrial application for the physical separation of suspended solids capable of filtering micron-size particles without the use of chemicals.
It is designed to be fully automatic with PLC controlled cleaning function, complete with programmable timer to activate the backpulse and backwash functions. In addition, manual water backwash is incorporated to purge out impurities and residue that remain on the ceramic membrane after prolonged operation cycle.
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Compact Seawater Reverse Osmosis System
Compact Seawater/Brackish Water RO System:
120 x 90 x 120 cm
Flow Rate
up to 1000 litres per day
100 kg
a) TDS of Raw Water (≤): 35000 mg/L
b) TDS of Product Water (≤): 500 mg/L
c) Desalination Rate (≤): 98.00 %
d) Rated Power: 1.65 KW
e) Operating Power: 0.83 KW
f) Operating Temperature: 25 ~ 35 ◦C
g) Operating PH: 6 ~ 9
h) Free Chlorine of Raw Water (≤): 0.1 mg/L
i) Operating Pressure (≤): 6 Mpa
g) Voltage: 380 V
h*) Remarks: Solar Panel (Optional)
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Compact Water Purification System - Mobile Unit Model
This model was designed for mobility and can be used in rural areas or respond to disaster stricken areas and provide a portable water treatment solution that can treat any water source into high quality water that meets drinking water standards.
Mobile Unit Purification System:
105.5 x 88 x 132.5 cm
Flow Rate
up to 500-1000 litres per hour
100 kg
a) Silicon Carbide Ceramic UF Membrane in PVC Housing
b) 230V AC Feed Pump
c) 230V AC Filtration/Backwash Pump
d) UV Sterilizer
e) Internal Pipes, Valves and Fittings
f) Controller Box and Connections
g*) Solar Panel (Optional)
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Waterwall - Household Water Purification System
Liquinex WaterWall, a water purification system for use in homes in regions where potable water is not available off the tap.
Uses Liqtech ultrafiltration ceramic membranes and PureFize UVC sterilization to produce high quality potable water.
Home Water Purification System:
98 x 47 x 137 cm
Flow Rate
up to 1000 litres per day
105 kg
a) High Quality, Safe and Clean Tap Water in
Every Household
b) Caring for Health
c) Upgrade the living standard with safe
tap water everyday
d) Environmental Friendly by cutting use
of plastic bottles
e) Convenience access of clean water at home
f) Temperature durability
g) Ideal for homes, commercial, sports
and healthcare facilities
* Remarks: Solar Panel (Optional)
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